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Senior Accountant with 18 Yrs of Experience in Oman.

Ruwi, Muscat
4 weeks ago
Experience LevelManagement
Employment TypeFull-time
Education LevelBachelor’s Degree
TypeJob Seeker
Senior Accountant with 18 Yrs Exp in Accounts and Finance in Oman. I hv been working in Oman since 2007. I hv worked in big groups like Al-Saleh, Bin Khalifa Group etc. I am looking for suitable replacement where I can utilize my skills in more professional way. Alhamdolliah I can independently handle accounts of a company as well a group of companies. Well clutlch over my work. Good relationship with Financial Institutions and Banks that's helps to get any kind of finance etc. Looking forward to hear Good sounds. . . . . .
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Ad id 123249880
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