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JOB VACANCY ANNOUNCEMENT: Legal Consultant & Contract Specialist

Al Khuwair, Muscat
2 weeks ago
Experience LevelManagement
Employment TypeFull-time
Education LevelBachelor’s Degree
A law firm in Muscat is looking for a highly qualified Legal Consultant & Contracts Specialist. The successful candidate will have a strong expertise in drafting and reviewing various types of contracts mainly in English language and demonstrate a minimum of 10 years of relevant experience in law firms or Legal departments in diverse nature of companies. Key duties: - Drafting, negotiating, and finalizing a wide array of agreements, and assisting with contractual interpretation and disputes to meet unique clients’ needs. - Ensuring compliance with legal standards and requirements. - Providing expert legal advice, consultation and clarification on legal language or specifications to clients. - Developing contracts templates. Requirements: - Minimum of 10 years of experience in the legal field. - Proficiency in spoken and written English. - Extensive knowledge of various types of contracts and corporate legal procedures. - Driving License. Interested candidates are requested to submit their applications accompanied with a detailed Curriculum Vitae (CV) via email to: recruitment. [redacted email address]
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Ad id 129284940
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