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I am looking for a legal officer's job

Ghala, Muscat
4 weeks ago
Experience LevelEntry level
Employment TypeFull-time
Education LevelBachelor’s Degree
TypeJob Seeker
I am a legal practitioner who was called to the Nigeria Bar Association since the year 2020 and has been in practice since then before I left Nigeria for Oman. I have been a legal Representative of Obukpa Global Resources Ltd from the very year i was called to Bar till i left Nigeria. I have also worked with St Giles Solicitors, Aisid Chambers as an associate Solicitor in chambers. i have an indeepth knowledge on Corporate law, Commercial law, Industrial law and they likes. I need a platform where I will exploit my expertise and knowledge in the legal profession. I'm very much available for a legal officer job.
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Ad id 129292302
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