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10 Years Experience-Looking for Office Boy & Filling

Ruwi, Muscat
4 weeks ago
Experience LevelManagement
Employment TypeFull-time
Education LevelHigh-school/Secondary school
Organizes and archives records and documents Makes copies of paperwork and distributes as needed. Retrieves data and files for other departments and personnel Organizes and archives records and documents. Makes copies of paperwork and distributes as needed. Retrieves data and files for other departments and personnel. Uses alphabetical and numerical systems to organize paper and electronic records documents. Checks paperwork, digital forms, and files, updating or correcting documentation as needed. Checks paperwork, digital forms, and files, updating or correcting documentation as needed. Creates new files and provides needed information on forms and reports. Secures and protects the privacy of documents. Scans paper documents and verifies that scanned documents are clear and legible. Processes requests for files and data. Records when and what documents have been borrowed and returned. Discards documents when required in accordance with official procedures. Operates office equipment. Operates office equipment.
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Ad id 129290699
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